About | Krystal Clear Media Group

PRO Administration

Do you need help registering your work at ASCAP, BMI, SESAC or another Performance Rights Organizations

Our Publishing administrators will help you with your split sheets, and ensuring that your compositions are registered throughout the universe and are protected under all international laws.

Copyright Administration

Do you need help copyrighting your compositions?

Our copyright administratation team will help you copyright your musical composition ensuring that your compositions are protected under international copyright law throughout the universe.

License Administration

Do you need help licensing your compositions?

Our licensing and synch teamn will help you issue new licenses of your musical composition and manage all of the associated royalties and ensure that your share of royalties is protected and paid on time.


Do you need help finding a new collaborator for your compositions? Do you need the perfect performing artist for your work?

Our lmusic supervisors will help you find the best collaborators for your masterpiece and bring the vision to life.